Bit of an odd question i know, but yesterday i felt really pissed off/sad for no reason- then when i thought about it i realised that it had been ages since i had cryed. I picked the boyf up from work and told him that i felt like having a really good cry and an early night. Naturally, not being the owner of a womb he thought i was metal- to want to cry when nothing is wrong. But you know, sometimes i think a right good cry every couple of months helps you get rid of built up emotions that you might not know your building up, and, because my life is generally ace i don't get the chance to cry anymore. I am not that happy that i am walking around crying tears or joy (that would be daft), nor am i unhappy enough to ever really get that sad- a bit of me has started to think that this crying malarky is summat to do with release. or letting go from time to time.
Does anyone else think crying from time to time is theraputic, or am i mad as a bag of spiders .
Does anyone else think crying from time to time is theraputic, or am i mad as a bag of spiders .