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Sep 29, 2001
Manchester UK
grad said:
aye top club, the life nights were mint..not sure about the other nights.

i used to live close by too rj, but that was when i was a wee nipper..a bit young for clubbing..across the road from the bp garage..and went to the primary school there as well.

Which road ?


Active member
Miss saysay said:
Aye, it was like that! Pretty mad really!! Top Club that was! I heard rumors a while back that Andy 'Vortex' was gonna be doin a night there, but nowts come of it, so i reckon the peeps at the lesuire complex have said a huge big fat no to it! :( Booooooo!!!

Sayin that, i dont reckon i would last all night in the Techno room like i used to!! :S :S

i'm sure there was a post about this a while back - i'm fairly certain that it will never be granted a license again (shame) due to all the trouble then went with it

me and butty went one night, (i'm sure it was the very first time we met pixie, tonksi, ben fisher & some of the other osaers) and two people got stabbed and someone else OD'd and died (i think)
i distinctly remember the lights comin on an the mc shoutin at everyone to get the fcuk back - that was quite bizarre to say the least



VIP Silver Member
May 10, 2002
got to agree with you there tigger no where like it

Life@Bowlers was what got me into Dance music started going about 93/94 for me it had everything

the feeling whan a top tune came on and thousands of people all with their hands in the air started singing the words was just amazing(also the optional extras helped this feeling)

:crazy: :crazy:


New member
Yeah used to go to Bowlers quite often right back in 89-90, along with my other regulars The Konspiracy and Thunderdome (and a lot of other non-regularly, Shelly's, Studio, Man-Alive, The Academy etc etc).
Stopped going clubbing regular when they closed all 3 of them down, granted Bowlers re-opened but was never the same again imho. Started clubbing again about a year later by which time the mood had shifted mainly due to different chemical consumption trends (LSD/Whizz ---> E/Ching) ;) At that stage (92-94) just went more or less all over the place B2B (UYR), Hard Times, Angels, The Hac, Boardwalk etc etc.

Then buggered off to Spain and stayed there.........ermm...and here I am......


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Myk said:
Yeah used to go to Bowlers quite often right back in 89-90,
Are you sure Bowler's was around that early on? The only legal massive sports centre affairs I remember from back then were the Up Front do's.

Like a few people here I wasn't a massive fan of Bowlers - it was a bit too big and inpersonal for my liking. That and no alcohol of course!
Jonno said:
Are you sure Bowler's was around that early on? The only legal massive sports centre affairs I remember from back then were the Up Front do's.

Like a few people here I wasn't a massive fan of Bowlers - it was a bit too big and inpersonal for my liking. That and no alcohol of course!

It was Life at the Pleasuredrome (Farnworth) back then (89-91) - which then moved to Life at Bowlers when the Pleasuredrome shut down...

....I know, I was there - practically every week! Bowlers was fantastic - until about 1994-5 when it began to go downhill.....

Oooops - showing my age again :$

Cookie xxx

When alcohol came along there - it totally ruined it!!!!


New member
Cookie said:
It was Life at the Pleasuredrome (Farnworth) back then (89-91) - which then moved to Life at Bowlers when the Pleasuredrome shut down...

....I know, I was there - practically every week! Bowlers was fantastic - until about 1994-5 when it began to go downhill.....

Oooops - showing my age again :$

Cookie xxx

When alcohol came along there - it totally ruined it!!!!

Yer dead right too hun, my memory just doesnt work nearly all that well, but that's not really suprising ;)


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Jonno said:
Are you sure Bowler's was around that early on? The only legal massive sports centre affairs I remember from back then were the Up Front do's.

they were the Stalybridge do's want they?

They were the bolox, pissed all over bowlers anyway.


New member
Sep 26, 2003

Went to Bowlers on & off for about 5 years. The last time I went was about 97 & ended up talking to that bird from Ultracynic. What was her name?
Top night though!!!
bowlers will always have a special place in my heart

especially the life night's

there was always a feeling that you knew everybody in there.

i thought it was best when it was just 1 main room and a huge chill out room......long before they started selling alchohol

i worked there for 6 amazing was a true rave in every way

you do still come accross night's and crowds that are truly up 4's just different these days....but it's still good:D

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