There's far to much prudence,backslapping and what have you on this website.
Who is the roughest bird you ever poked. First name, height, Weight,Location of bird and whereabouts did you do it. For the woman on here if you want to join in be my guest.
Name - Lisa
Height - 5 foot 1
Weight - pushing 13 stones and veiny horrible thripennys as well.
Location - Bolton I think.
Whereabouts - Some house in Tongue Moore in Bolton.
Was she a good jump though - No I was to pissed and struggled to get a lob on.
Who is the roughest bird you ever poked. First name, height, Weight,Location of bird and whereabouts did you do it. For the woman on here if you want to join in be my guest.
Name - Lisa
Height - 5 foot 1
Weight - pushing 13 stones and veiny horrible thripennys as well.
Location - Bolton I think.
Whereabouts - Some house in Tongue Moore in Bolton.
Was she a good jump though - No I was to pissed and struggled to get a lob on.