Voted for BOTH...
Both are superior to the other in different ways...
Vinyl - The feel of it, the fact that when you own a record you have something physical not logical, the tan lines, the joy of searching for a record for ages then finally finding it for 50p in a bargain bucket, the crackle on a quiet part of the tune...the list goes on and on....
Bad parts are it's a BASTARD to store, it's damaged easily, it can be very expensive, it's difficult to vary your collection without spending lots etc etc...
Digital - It's easy to store, easy to transport, it can be free or very cheap, easy to vary your collection, easy to obtain, it's easy to be creative with (traktor, ableton)
Bad parts are that you what you own is logical, it's 1 and 0's on a disc drive, you won't spend as much time planning a set like you would do when you search through your vinyl... can't think of anymore at the moment...
All in all, I use Vinyl with 1210's... I've used CDJ's and they just take all the fun out of it IMO... I also love the collecting side of it, it's great when the postie brings your most wanted on a saturday morning
That said, I'd love to have a go with Ableton, I think what you can do in terms of creativity takes DJ'ing to a whole new level... I wouldn't mind Serato or Traktor either, that way I could vary what I play