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    Any mo fo bookeds?

    Two great books i just finished. This Book Will Save Your Life- newp, not some shite self help jizz about finding the inner you or learning to say no! (and meaning it)- but a really great bit of fiction that had me lol-ing (lol) really quite a lot. Its by A. M Holmes, who also did The End of...
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    Its Friggin Friday's Song Du Jour :)

    When i was 12 and got bang into music properly, one of the first albums i bought was JAMC's Darklands. I listened to that album to death, it went so well with my moody prepubescent manner and general attitude of angst lol:) I'll have Cherry Came Too from it for today:king:
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    Anyone a fan of aution houses?

    Today i have got a great Edwardian tub chair that needs no restoration for £34. I love it, its oak and has great stripey material that looks lovely and, well, sat on loads i suppose. I also got a Vicotian swivel chair, only this needs more work as the leather seat is a little shagged- and i...
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    John Trav and Tom Cruise

    Which one out of the two is the most likely gay?
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    I bloody love this shiz at the mo. Its the sweet gloopy texture. Okay so its a little grannyish but hey, so is shortbread but that rocks an allphones: What old fash food do you do then?
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    Are Pregnant women sexy?

    I suppose the obvious answer is some are, some are not. In the last pregnancy i felt it, but jeez this one is hard. My breasts have already gone huge, and i just find it so odd- i liked my nice sized ones; i can't cope with these things that are constantly trying to escape my bra. My tummy...
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    New windows.

    We are having (hopefully to cover all bases)a selection of big grown men and just out of pube good looking young ones (hurraaaay!) coming round at 8.30 in the morn to fit new windows. What do i need to do in the way of prep- obviously i don't mean me, i mean the house. They never said anything...
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    Two and Half bloody hours!

    That’s how long my dishwasher has been on for! It’s still showing no signs of stopping. Okay, so its on an intensive cycle but still- i can as good as hear the leccy meter whirring itself into a frenzy. Anyone care to out 'shit energy efficiency' me with any of there kitchen appliances...
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    Wednesday's Wank Material:

    I'll have George Harrison With My Sweet Lord please Bob. YouTube - My Sweet Lord
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    Big OSA birthday greetings to Armando!

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope you get a nice bit of meat off Deedee for your birthday! Have a great day from all at team Johnson HQ:)
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    Bloody good darts then!

    Anyone watch the Shep/Manley match then? Jeez, how much excitment! I nearly wet myself. I actually cried a bit at the end:condom:
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    You know its Christmas time when......

    You see a Robin. I have yet to see one yet:( You taste the first mince pie:) Join in, join in.
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    Lilly Allen and Brits lil sis preggo-mereggo!

    Lilly Allen and b/f of three months Ed Chem Bro are having a child, along with Britney Spears baby sister Jamie Lyn. Gosh:S
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    I can't stand it!

    I hate having things for people and not giving then straight away! Right now there are a few things wrapped under the tree for my wonderful (magical lol) husband (who is letting me get chinese for tea again:P ) and i want him to open them now! I remember having a row a few years ago over a...
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    Odd people!

    I took my friend out for lunch today as its her birhday. Whilst we were eating this oldish (65?) women was waving her arms like mad at me. When she got my attention she said she wanted my friend- who was facing me. Lol when she turned round the women said to her 'sorry to offend you but i can...
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    Ewww! I am prac effing pucking here!

    Jonno is eating lamb fat, yes white think cold lamb fat from yesterday's roast spread on toast! Anyone care to try and beat that for out and out revoltingness. Its making me feel so sick:hurl:
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    4 x 4's

    Hmnn, i hate these. As Sods law would have it, i have been offered one for free. As i seem to be car-less and it would be a help i don't know what to do. The plus side is its quite new so i could just part ex it in a few months for the new car we were getting anyway. I just hate this type of car...
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    What your tin of choice then?

    Ours is easily Quality Street- i love the coconut eclair:heart: Second is either a mingles tin or a celebrations. I do love the brazil nut chewy one out of Roses though, but the rest are a bit 'granny'.
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    When you have no car........

    How weird does it feel? I feel traped, like a caged frikkin animal. Its not like i actually wanted to go out anywhere, but now i don't have the option i feel all wound up and stressed lol. The man at the garage says 'its not good', and they are 'a man down'- so its looks like i might be stuck...
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    Who's had this dead shit cold then?

    Its driving me mad. My nose is so blocked i just have to sit with my mouth open like a spanner! My lips have gone all cracked and dry as a consequence. At least my eyes no longer reck ever time i move them, and my throat has got better too. My whole body is still bloody aching like a mo-fo...