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Joker Jen

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VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
woody said:
ps woody's top tip- your indispensable guide, to a better life!!

ever been at a friends or relative's and needed to erm..push one out?
instead of making a loud "splash" wrap some bog roll round your hand about 5 times and the chuck it across the water...now when u do your dump....
"ta da"

No Splash!!!!

Bo!!!;) ;) ;)

Ur the 1st bloke 2 have worked that 1 out :thumbsup:

Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Dj M Jaxx said:
Joker heads off to the ladies toilet union meeting to bring up new notions on silent poo tactics for the ladies

Spot on m8!!

No1 on the agenda - take plastic bags out with u so that u can poop in the bag

No 2 - take clingfilm so u can cover the hole

No 3 - new use 4 condoms :eek: ;) ;) ;)

Not that I've given this any thought wotso ever :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

P.S who needs men 2 lower the tone, I don't!!! :p :p :p


Active member
Oct 12, 2001
Dj M Jaxx said:
Nar m8.....Just keeping quiet, and saying nothing

Thats why Men always win in the end:p

lmao... shhh, don't tell them that ;)

Joker, I'm well impressed with your pooing tricks :)

But, the reason we win in the end is that we shut up with the smug satisfaction that deep down you know we are right and are in fact the better of the sexes... ;)

Why cover the splashing sound lads? Its something to be proud off, even more so if you get it to squelch as it comes out ;)


Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
fugjostle said:

Why cover the splashing sound lads? Its something to be proud off, even more so if you get it to squelch as it comes out ;)


2 words......SPLASH BACK !!!!!

A waterd bum......is an infected one:eek:

Now then lets put this Men are better than Women thread to bed by quoting the following with a Latin lesson

Men = Superior

Wo = Lesser than


Woman = Lesser than it's greater counterpart.....Man

Disscusion solved with the help of a little Latin knolage:thumbsup:


Active member
Oct 12, 2001
I've actually been trying to find out if there is any scientific proof that Men rule and Woman suck (bad choice of words I know).

The following are facts I came across that have been proven:

One of the most interesting differences appear in the way men and women estimate time, judge speed of things, carry out mental mathematical calculations, orient in space and visualize objects in three dimensions, etc. In all these tasks, women and men are strikingly different, as they are too in the way their brains process language. This may account, scientists say, for the fact that there are many more male mathematicians, airplane pilots, bush guides, mechanical engineers, architects and race car drivers than female ones.

Are girls more prone to play with dolls and cooperate among themselves than boys, because they are taught to be so by parents, teachers and social peers, or is it the reverse order? A recent study wanted to see if gender differences are already apparent from just a few months after birth, when social influence is still small. This is the their conclusions:

"These discernible, measurable differences in behaviour have been imprinted long before external influences have had a chance to get to work. They reflect a basic difference in the newborn brain which we already know about -- the superior male efficiency in spatial ability, the greater female skill in speech."

So Joker, you may be able to chat in the toilets but we can find our way around them ;)

Boffins have discovered that there is a brain region in the cortex, called inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) which is significantly larger in men than in women. This area is bilateral and is located just above the level of the ears (parietal cortex).

Furthermore, the left side IPL is larger in men than the right side. In women, this asymmetry is reversed, although the difference between left and right sides is not so large as in men. This is the same area which was shown to be larger in the brain of Albert Einstein, as well as in other physicists and mathematicians. So, it seems that IPL's size correlates highly with mental mathematical abilities.

Human male brains are, on average, approximately 10 % larger than female ones :)

And for you lads wanting to understand woman:

"Female mice and female humans are attracted to males whose MHC (major histocompatibility complex) genes are least like her own. These genes code for the disease detectors in the immune system - detectors, not killers. The more variety (within the species limits), the better. One of the experiments that bore this out was the famous sweaty T-shirt experiment.

A group of college men and women were tested. Each man was given a clean cotton T-shirt and asked to sleep in it over a weekend, avoiding things such as spicy foods, cologne, deodorants, smoking, drinking, and sex, the objective being to get the T-shirts smelling of uncontaminated male sweat.

Each woman was seated alone in a room at the time of her ovulation (the sense of smell is more acute then) and sniff each one. "The women were asked to rate every shirt for sexiness, pleasantness, and, I suppose, basic reek, although the scientists called it intensity of smell." And it turned out that the sexiness of the shirts correlated with the degree of difference in the MHC genes."

Another fascinating fact is that woman are poo:

"The most prominent of estrogens is a hormone called estradiol. One of the major functions of estradiol is the enhancement of the immune system. The biological advantages that women have, health wise, are due to in large part to their superior levels of estradiol until menopause. (Estradiol production shuts down after menopause.) However the catch is that estradiol production also shuts down during pregnancy, apparently to keep the immune system from rejecting the fetus. "

Yeah yeah.. so your supperior at first but whats the point in sprinting the first 1000 metres of a marathon eh !!! ;)

Well if you need more proof then let me know ;)



Active member
Oct 12, 2001
No, No... thank you Dr M Jaxx, your were my inspiration, my Qunicy MD ;)

I was hiding under the rock fearful of the evil empire of Darth Joker and her evil siths. After you pulled the Jedi Mind trick on em I felt I could embrace the force and attack ;)

Luke Fugjostle