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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty

    happy birthday jonno!!

    happy birthday mate all the best :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  2. butty

    any guardian readers in??

    lol i know this is prolly a long shot but does anyone read the guardian at all? there was a feature in it about this fridays evo with roger cook i mean peter hook and wanted to check it out :thumbsup:
  3. butty

    dreams within dreams..

    ok then i had a bizzare set of dreamages last night so il try n explain it as best as i can and most likely confuse ya'll jear right in my dream i dreamt that i could go to sleep/in a trance type thing and when i did that then the dream that i had in that dream i was in (so to speak). the weird...
  4. butty

    Timeless @ The Phoenix - Manchester - Friday 30th Sept

    OSA'ers get in for £6!! - Just say your from OSA when your handing over your hard earned Meetup List claire b quey cayler rj vickles mc lou recca mesh jenwah shabba butty grimmy nics lil sonz eve crazychick dannster ow doo helen sj
  5. butty

    me birthdayage....

    jus a big fek off open invitation to erm anyone and everyone! :D if any of yas are free on sunday then come down manchester way and join me in a birthday tipple at me local pub to help me celebrate becoming old as hell, everyones invited including your friends, mams pet and nans. jus wing me a...
  6. butty

    OSA vs ItalianDance - Saturday 15th October - Blackpool

    2 of the best forums on the planet (one of them being us of course lol) are joining forces along with some of the biggest promoters of the north to bring you this large as hell evening. Old Skool meets Italian Synth, 2 rooms - let the battle commence..... :starwars: Meetup List butty stee...
  7. butty

    the island..

    anyone seen this yet? thought it was pretty good. dragged on a bit and could have been better but the idea behind it was damn good i thought. the bird in it was h, o double t - hott and all the special effects n shit were ok too :thumbsup: only thing was coz of the name i was expectin summet...
  8. butty

    Evolution - Hacienda Classics FEAT: PETER HOOK (NEW ORDER) @ The Music Box-Manchester

    OSA'ers get in for £8, To do so please reply to this post and let us know your going then give your 'board name' when ya paying and tell em your on the OSA guest list :thumbsup: OSA Meetup Kru woody butty recca quey mister_dj manc shabba danny c eve crazychick
  9. butty

    mint game

    jus seen on a post that johns_ar did time ago this game and its addictive as fook. its like trial bikes. solid to get into but have a good dabble ya will get hooked :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  10. butty

    whats ya name and where do ya come from....

    what tv program or game show did the dude or dudette ask this to the contestants? its doin me nut in
  11. butty

    things uve learnt lately....

    what have u learnt lately?. ive learnt that dishy birds dishin out flyers manage to dish out loads more flyers than un dishy birds or blokes :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  12. butty

    do u ever..

    do summet mad as hell and think to yourself why did i jus do that?? in the past month ive spat in the bath instead of the loo?? put me pie that i meant to put in the microwave in the cupboard?? am i losing my mind :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
  13. butty


    the last one was damn good get yerselfs down to macc people :thumbsup:
  14. butty

    drug posts..

    can we remind everyone altho its not illegal to talk about drugs we ask people not to do so on the forum as it is a public forum and you never know who could be watching. we wouldnt like anyone to get in truble for something said on here :cops: also offering or asking for drugs is highly...
  15. butty

    new forum styles....

    new forum styles comin your way.... gonna be changin the look a bit of osa soon :o the main style (the white one) will stay the same for now but the blue one will b replaced by a different blue one. the reason being is we have had that style on the board since it opened in 2001 and it does...
  16. butty

    Tribal Warehouse Acid House Party - Sat 27th & Sun 28th August..

    If anyone wants tickets for this one give me a shout. There are a limited number of passes for both days available for £50 if anyone is hardcore enough.. The Saturday - carl cox & co The Sunday - sasha & digweed (quote from tribal site "Will we see a bit of Northern Exposure ? - Perhaps, I'll...
  17. butty

    the last ever back to the old skool @ maximes

    well wow what a night. the place opened at 9pm and if u got there at 10.00 u wasnt getting in. ive never seen owt like it it jus goes to show how over the past 13 years maximes has been the daddy mac in the north of england. i personally owe a lot to the place. if it wasnt for it then i wud...
  18. butty

    the universe and stuff..

    right this always mashes my head up every time i think about it and reading some other posts has made me think about it again. right look outside into the sky and point straight up yeah. right whats all the all the way that way. does it go on forever? i mean i know there is stars other planets...
  19. butty

    FAO diane

    heres the first part of that documentary i was going on about in this thread it explains stuff that i didnt know before in a dead easy way lol. ive put it in here in case anyone else wants to have a shuffle :thumbsup...
  20. butty

    the google bar thingiemajig

    il be playing about with it over the next few days so if anything looks out of sorts have no fear, its only me :wave: