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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty

    my belly....

    right my belly (yes i do have 1 albeit very small lol) in gods honest truth. jus started making loads of funny noises. u know like they do. and it made a noie that sounded exactly like it was saying 'yo' at me!! :| :| im freaked to fcuk! :mexican:
  2. butty

    made this..

    for me background before if anyone wants it then av it!! to save it as ya background left on the image below first so it goes full size, wait for it to all load up then right click on it and choose set as background. tadaa
  3. butty

    OSA meets LUV4FUNK - Friday 3rd March '06

    well up to now weve missioned to huddersfield, blackpool the phoenix and some other places but i cant remember coz of me putty head but OSA will be venturiing next to................ for more info on the venue check out there website @ Upstairs: Luv Retro Butty...
  4. butty

    our very first tournament lol

    as a test to see how the tournament thing works on the arcade im gonna make a pacman tournament up as thats the one im best at lol basicallly the tournament is for 8 playes so the first 7 replies to this gets to do it i think its all done through pm's etc then. but we will find that out when...
  5. butty


    can i please remind everyone of the guidelines for this bit, they are posted here the gudelines are put in place to make it fair on everyone selling there clobber and to mae sure everyones posts get equally seen
  6. butty

    The Arcade is back!! :)

    ive readded the good ol arcade to the board toneet. Ive upped 6 of the most popular games which are asteroids, breakout, pacman, snake, space invaders and tetris. its an updated version of the last un and it allows ya to do tournaments which il suss out over the next couple of days. for the...
  7. butty

    lol remember this...

    jus found this old sig on me pc from years ago. someone made it me (cant remember who now) and i got called buffy for the next year :crazy: it says butty honest! :D
  8. butty

    new iTrader system on OSA....

    Ive added a new feedback system to OSA that works a lot like the ebay feedback system. It will allow for members to rate other members on there buying/selling experiences they have with vinyl sold through the vinyl4sale section on OSA. You can add feedback by going to a users profile, you can...
  9. butty

    Fri 27th Jan - Timeless @ The Phoenix - Manchester

    + just danny (danny off osa) also on the line up DISCOUNT FOR OSA GOLD MEMBERS - GET IN FOR HALF PRICE! REPLY TO THIS POST TO QUALIFY: Meetup List superdan vee vinylanimal lozzie nics woody mesh bigtruck debsdoesdallas quey s-j...
  10. butty

    all the best..

    all the best for the 2006 people. i hope the next year is damn big ace for one and all. respect to the osa massive, f@ck jear :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  11. butty

    pm's emails etc

    if anyones pm'd or emailed me over the past week and not got a reply please bear with me. am taking a bit o time off over the new year and so will get onto them next week i aint forgot about yas :thumbsup:
  12. butty

    last orders..

    for the gold members to sign up to the half price guest list for timeless so its a fiver in. you must reply to this post no later than tomorow to get in for a fiver. there is no other osa guest list at this event due to the confusion...
  13. butty

    hello beanie!

    eh up chuck good to see ya back around! hope your well n sheet. for those who dont know beanie was one of the first ones to sign up to the site many moons ago. stick around puddin i dare ya! :wave:
  14. butty

    attention people coming to timeless on friday!

    if your coming to timeless on friday then im online for the next few hours making membership cards and can make u 1 up if u wing me a pic of ya. will save ya queing up and signing up when ya get there like. pm me or catch me on msn - ta :thumbsup:
  15. butty

    evolution - hacienda classics....

    had some great news jus arrive in my inbox lol. from february next year we will have the music box in manchester on the 3rd friday of every month for our hacienda classics event. f@ck jear :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  16. butty

    ive sussed it out...

    a womans place is not in the kitchen. coz they canr cook for toffee. the sayin shud b. 'a womans place is writing chrimbo cards out with both ya names on' this is the first year ive ever sent chrimbo cards out i think and i aint had to lift a finger! result :thumbsup: :crazy:
  17. butty

    coldplay at the m.e.n

    if anyone hears of any tickets going for this give us a holler. am addicted to that bastards whiney voice and reeeeeally wanna go. need 2 tix :thumbsup:
  18. butty

    can someone do us a favor por favor :D

    can someone measure there bank card/credit card for us please. i need the dimensions in height and width in millimeters i dont have a bank card nor a ruler so im a non starter lol :)
  19. butty

    anyone want..

    a avatar for your msn display pic thingie with ya board name on? lettuce know and me or andy will sort ya one. wont we andy lol see below
  20. butty

    avatars or sigs??

    been on a site earlier like this one that has avatars enabled instead of signatures. for those who dont know a avatar is a smaller image to the left of ya username. you can see what i mean on this board here now the thing is the page u...