we are losing this because the country is too fucking scared to close the doors to all foreigners, this should happen because they take all our jobs, homes, they are tax exempt, what realli winds me up is the fact that my mate was made redundent for some polish prick, whos it gona happen to next? U? and to be hundred pecent honest i dont realli want to walk past some poxy mosque on the way to work everyday!! id also rather have the tax money spent on what is wrong with this country, tramps, hospitals, fire service things that are important, who gives a fuck weather the forgeiners that come over for the olympics av a place to do what ever they do. i say sort this country out first then start worrying weather they got enough money to start building things
read the post, its not tax money that is buliding it, amazing what a little bit of mis-information can do to spiral things out of control
would it make a difference if it was a massive catholic church?
the majority of the worshippers will be english mate, english muslims, not foreigners
the polish question is a completely different matter and not applicable in this instance and they are not tax exempt if they work here, same as i am not tax exempt if i go abroad to certain other countries. in most cases the eastern europeans are doing the shitty low paid jobs that are not being filled by brits cause it is easier to claim dole money, all economic studies carried out say they are adding to our economy not detracting from it
you really do not know what you are on about do you?