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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. butty

    OSA Radio!

    if you aint seen the announcement yet or seen the new bits check it oot! listen while u surf, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo :thumbsup:
  2. butty

    changed a setting..

    to sort out another problem and to make browsing the forum easier for yas ive changed a setting so that posts are not marked as read till you actually read them. what happend before was when you logged out then logged back in then the posts are marked as read. doing it this way is more like the...
  3. butty

    daytime osa'ers help us out with this survey lol

    ok this is only for those who go on osa in the day time (ie 9-5.30 mon-fri) i wanna know out of those who has speakers and sound on there pc's and who dont. as lots log on from work and so i rekon that the majority of ones with the ability to hear mixes etc is a lot less than in the evenings...
  4. butty

    lol check this email i jus got..

    i know its lying coz if everyone in manc chucked all there wonga in a pot it still wouldnt be 50 mill :D
  5. butty

    Butty Profile

    OSA Radio Slot: Guest slots from time to time Age: 41 Based: Manchester Preffered styles: All ranges of old skool 88-98. inc the earlier stuff, harder stuff, anthemy stuff, cheesey stuff & all the bits inbetween Been Playing For: 20 years'ish Biog: Got into old skool in 98 and started...
  6. butty

    osa arcade tournament march 06 competitors and events!

    ok heres what games people r taking part in. the first round will start on 1st march. you dont have to come online then the system just waits till everyone has had a go and then goes onto the next round. you will be notified by pm that your tourney has started and it will give you a link to the...
  7. butty

    new mods!

    ive added a few new mods t'uth board. over the past few months theyve helped loads in various areas of the site all of which you cant see yet lol. but you will do in time and they are gonna be needed for the sections to work hunky dorey n sheet. so can we give a big well done and keep it up (oo...
  8. butty

    Fri 17th March - Evolution - Hacienda Classics @ The Music Box - Manchester

    osa gold members get reduced entry. to qualify reply to this post here Meetup Crew
  9. butty

    osa sports day - march 2006..

    right now iv got the tournament than sussed on the arcade we can host our very own osa arcade sports day yay lol basically youve got till 24th feb (jus over a week) to reply to this post and let me know which events you would like to take part in, the events are pacman, asteroids, breakout...
  10. butty

    lol the best bit of spam ive ever seen in my life this geezers new posts remind me of richard and judy when they got done for biggin up butterkist or summet on there show lol reporo reporo ra ra ra :thumbsup: ;)
  11. butty

    new forum sponsors at osa

    id like to welcome a couple of sponsors to the forums at OSA. firstly timeless which we all know and love (erm i hope), keep an eye on there site during the next few weeks for news of a new event thats gonna be ace :thumbsup: they are sponsoring the clubbing forum and also General Forum is now...
  12. butty

    what connection are you on at home??

    jus wonderin what connection ya is on. tell meeeeeee :)
  13. butty

    Fri Feb 17th - Evolution - Hacienda Classics @ The Music Box - Manchester

    back once again and starting our brand new monthly residency at the music box. the 3rd friday of every month..... OSA Gold Members get in for half price to this event. To qualify for the reduction see this post Meetup List woody...
  14. butty

    anyone stil on dial up??

    if anyone here is on dial up can ya pm me pls i need summet testing if ya dont mind also god bless ya if ya still on dial up ya poor soles :D
  15. butty

    fao those with rave videos and sheet.. can u help?
  16. butty

    rave videos...

    this thread here made me think.. with most having broadband nowadays i could host some vids on the osa servers if people can supply them? also not sure about copyright on these thangs. if its been on the tele then it doesnt belong to...
  17. butty

    the website

    the domain name has been sold for 12 million dollars :o nearly fell of me chair when i seen that. thats one expensive w@nk that is!! :gigolo:
  18. butty

    mint film...

    its called hoodwinked and its funny as hell. its like a cartoon shrek stylee thing thats little red riding hood but like a 2006 remix. get it watched ul chortle like buggery :redneck:
  19. butty

    moving house..

    u know what the worse thing about moving house is. getting used to the niggly little things. ie the taps on sinks are the other way round, the cold is where the hot should be and the hot is where the cold should be! surely there should be some sort of standard regulations across the board for...
  20. butty

    forum sponsorship...

    im getting in sponsors for each of the forums as ive been asked to sort some advertising for peeps that aint jus a banner so come up with this idea. up to now ive sorted a sponsor for the general bit, the clubbin bit and sort of the vinyl bit thats unless i get a offer beatin the other other...